I am a woman

Thirsty throat wanted to question this world

Unwanted fear tramp with my feet

Our words stolen by others

Our decisions taken by unknown gender

Soundless voices are sending more messages

Maybe fear will stop them but inner blood boils through losing life

No where to answer for us until we are demanding

No one there wiping our tears because they make us puppets in their hands

Everybody has their own stories but no one tries to understand those stories

Fear must be under our feet but we still have hope in life

Yes today we are still losing our freedom through others actions but we still don’t have to lose hope in life

Everywhere questioning us why you are always listening to others but we lately found out that is our rising up through listening to others before we didn’t feel it was a curse but now we feel it truly curse on our life

We are women like we always wanted wings but those wings are always cut by our life deciders

Still asking what type of relationship you have with us always try to decide our life you are just like us human but you always think you are more mature and stronger than us what type of equality this is

You always care about you and your gender but truth you never care about us and our gender most importantly you are always afraid of our growth that’s why you always put us under your feet trying to play with us.

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