Wierd day is my Day

What are your daily habits?

Look at the face who always makes my day 

Twist my tongue with Twister of English

Store energy in a bag of yoga for a full day booster

Fighting with myself for reaching my destiny in the preparation of ambitions, sometimes I fall down, sometimes I rise up, sometimes I find some new things about me, sometimes change myself, sometimes I give up those things close to my heart,

Sometimes I can expect what is next in my day but sometimes I puzzle in the day of organisations

In this journey I don’t even know when my day starts and when my day ends.


Hidden painkiller

Music is a mirror of the soul

Revealing what  your heart does feel

When Joy abounds the notes ring bright

When Sorrow comes, the tone reveals.

It’s the power, a balm for hidden wounds, the hope of tomorrow for weary minds

A hidden peace lies in the rhythm’s sway, A cheerful tone that lifts and eclipsed day.

Try to

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Try to never forget about my past even though bitter things in my past because my past was my best teacher of life on the right path so if  I forget about my past I’ll go back to the same wrong path

Putting myself in yoga practice to avoid unnecessary unhealthy problems not for me but I don’t want to depend on others in the name of unwell, and get sympathy.

Keep myself always in regrets because those regrets remind me where I am wrong

Try to make myself worthy of my loved ones and worthy of a real human.

Make new that attire again and again

If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

If we feel something like it was forced at that time, our heart can’t take it so it makes us weird and uncomfortable feeling in that particular outfit

So if I faced that type of situation at that time either I refused wearing that attire or make that outfit according to my style

For instance if my loved ones forced me wear that outfit again and again I can’t refuse to them because I don’t wanna hurt them just because of this outfit so I’ll make that outfit according to my style

For instance

Sometimes I use coat style on that particular outfit

Some other time I will use chudidhar style on that same outfit

Some other time I will use wrapping saree style on that particular outfit


I don’t feel same outfit wear again and again and also feel give new birth to only one outfit


This time not only that person satisfied with my dressing style I am also satisfied and comfortable for wearing that outfit and go out without compliants.

Not only one

Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?


Food always impact on human feeling and emotions and different types of food brings different types of emotions for instance my mother hand cooking always bring me my childhood days it’s not only represent food taste but when I was eating my mother’s hand food always feel I have got secure love through my mother hand cooking perhaps my mother add more love in her cooking instead of ingredients

My grandmother hands cooking style is a very unique she likes feed others so she add More kind and love in her recipe because of those ingredients every one likes her hands cooking

Sometimes, maybe holidays my father cooks special dishes for our whole family his secret of recipe is caring, silent protecting,loving every one

So those dishes whatever my family cook for me always bring me into my childhood and cheer me when I feel down.

Oh My Country

What countries do you want to visit?

Which country have full of diversity

Which country people become one and can live peace and happiness

Which country is all religions, all castes, all races, all languages become one under a roof of love and prosperity

Sometimes we have differentiations between us but we never separate just because of these differences but our Bound became more stronger than before

We have a lot of religions but our one and only religion is “HUMAN” We have a lot of languages but our one and only language is “HUMAN HEART LANGUAGE”, we have a lot of caste but our one and only caste is”HUMAN CASTE” , we have a lot of genders but our one and only gender is”HUMAN GENDER”, we have a lot of cultures but one and only culture is” HUMAN CULTURE”

Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, big people and small people, big caste and small caste, Ram, allah, Jesus, budha no difference bring between us under a roof of human love and peace, happiness

Because we all are humans our life is divided through our convenience but these conveniences are never taken away from the human word from us only from a country that is where I am now living with peace without being afraid of someone occupying us, live with us our own religion without any restriction on us, building our own life without asking permission from anyone, raise our voice against all improper actions without restrictions on us, that one and only country is “INDIA”

So I wanna visit every Inch of the country, and take the pure breath of the soul of our land, mingling with every pure heart, and Shake hand with every cheering person, I don’t have any religion, caste, languages, gender but I have only identity in this country that is “HUMAN”

So oh my INDIA my heart wanted to enter into your heart and look at this world broadly and taste every beauty of your elegance, hugging your finances everywhere and respect to every kindness of you towards us and salute to every sacrifice of you

Oh my “INDIA” my birth from your womb and after my death you take me into you.


What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

It is different than others cannot say one thing is favourite in me because I mould myself through different moments and adopt every taste of new life it’s never complaints and never hide from anyone just looking like open page but no one understands it came from where

Myself always cheerful happiness gives her the surrounding environment and captures every Beauty of  moments not through camera but with heart

I am  like a mountain that never accepts failures, again and again and fights with the destiny of an unknown path but never bows down her head in front of anyone

It hides all pains and unseen wounds from everyone and only share those gives everyone happiness it’s never complaints about those pain and wounds because I think those all things make me more strong and powerful in our life that’s why I always accept them as a good teacher of my life

So these are all my favourite things in my life but in the word  “IT’S ME”.

A wall clock

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

It’s just only a wall clock

It’s a symbol of changing the time of our life and the root of different relationships

This clock me and daddy bought when I was in a 10 th standard at that time we wanted to decorate our new house with new clock

That’s why this clock more important to us


This clock represents a journey of a new relationship and a good and a bad times always remember us


Tell us time is always the same with us but it’s changed according to our deeds

Representing destroyed the past of my life and memories of pure love of family and also advising me the present is only a chance of rebuilding new life and result of the future of my present deeds and actions

So my wall clock is my oldest thing but always represents the refreshing life.