WHY are we failures??

Taste of failure

The taste of failure always brought bitterness in our life. It always makes us miserable people at that time we couldn’t see any good things Everything looked like hesitation to us.

Everyone said failure is the best lesson for success but I said it’s one of the excuses to escape from the pain of failure the real reason for the people face failure in their life because they always wanted to comfort life that’s why they always easily admit whenever they feel a little bit happy things happened in them life during the fight for success at the time they forget to fight for success so easily they opened gates to failure in them life.

The reason for the failure in someone’s life is because they always play between failure and success that one reason to them they already have a second option in their life either failure or success but my opinion who always plays for only success they never saw failure in them life because they don’t have two options in them life they only play for success so failure totally disappear in them life.

We know failure always makes us feel bad but we are always addicted to our comfort zone that’s why we always saw failure in our life.

We know we never work 100percent for our success we just give how much we can give out of our comfortable zone that’s why we all are part of a failure family.

How to get out of the failure ????

The 10 ways to overcome failure in your life:

1. Fight against yourself

2.Follow death theory : This theory tells never admit and never stops until you reach success upto your last breath.

3. Overcome your desires and get out of your comfortable castle.

4.Less daydreams more actions

5. Never fight between failure and success you have one and only option. That option is Success.

6. Don’t hand over yourself to temporary happiness.

7. You use your all ways to reach your success but you don’t forget these ways never hurt anyone.

8. Don’t lose your patience until reach your success.

9. You use every Milli second to perfectly reach to your success.

10. Don’t hear and take any discouragement words around your surroundings.